Methadone Overdose

What Happens When Methadone Overdose Occurs?

Overdose on methadone

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Methadone is a prescription drug that is used to treat moderate to severe pain and also to treat a heroin addiction. It is commonly used has a pain killer because it stays in the body longer than other pain management treatments. Methadone is a medication that if taken incorrectly, it can result in intentionally or unintentionally overdose. Unintentional methadone overdose is very common among users. When a person experiences an overdose, they may experience a variety of symptoms.

Common Methadone Overdose Symptoms

Respiratory failure

Respiratory failure is also known as acute respiratory distress syndrome. There has been cases when a person has overdosed on methadone and develop this complication. When respiratory failure occurs, their vital organs will not get enough oxygen from their lungs into the blood.

Low blood pressure

Methadone overdose can cause a drop in blood pressure. Another name for low blood pressure is hypotension. When a persons blood pressure drops too much this can cause spouts of dizziness and they may become very lightheaded.

Cardiac problems / failure

There has been reports that people have experienced different cardiac problems and failure while on methadone. When a person has overdosed on methadone, the chances are much greater. Methadone overdose can cause serious disruption in the heart’s natural rhythm. The heart can either start to beat extremely fast or slow.

Skin Problems

Methadone overdose can also cause a person to develope some signs in their skin. They may start to develope blue fingernails and lips. Also their skin may become cold, pale and clammy at touch. When the addict is going through overdose, they may be very cold one minute and then extremely hot the next.

Gastrointestinal Issues

When a person starts to experience methadone overdose symptoms, it is common for them have different stomach or intestine problems. They may start to vomit, have severe constipation and become very nauseated. They may also have painful spasms in their stomach or intestines.

Nervous system problems

Overdose of methadone can cause a person’s nervous system to start to act out of control. They may start to become very drowsy and feel fatigue. Their muscles may start to twitch randomly and cause muscle weakness. This can then lead the person into coma and even worse, death.

What to expect at the emergency room

When an addict had been rushed to the emergency room because they are experiencing a methadone overdose, they may go through different tests and treatments. The medical staff will monitor their vital signs very closely. The person may be treated with activated charcoal, a breathing tube, IV, laxatives, medicine to treat the symptoms and or a gastric lavage.

Methadone overdose is a serious situation and should never be taken lightly. When a person has overdosed on methadone, their body has been poisoned by the medication. This can lead to some very serious problems and requires immediate medical attention.

If you or a loved one is experiencing any symptoms to a methadone overdose, go to your nearest emergency room immediately.

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